2000-2010: The
Nimblewill Nomad’sSea-To-Sea Route
(C2C) “Nimblewill’s Second
Transcontinental Trek”
Sea-To-Sea Route Map
Disclaimer:The path here (as hiked
in sections by Nimblewill Nomad) was created by
connecting certain existing trails/roads. As shown,
this amalgamation forms a continuous transcontinental
route, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, as it tracks
the better part of a trail known as the Sea-To-Sea
Route. It should be noted, however, that variances from
the recognized Sea-to-Sea Route do exist. For more
information, please visit the website of
Ron Strickland, Sea-To-Sea Route founder.
Early on Strickland realized that once his trail was complete, it
would provide the missing link in a system of trails connected such
that hikers could trek the entire continent, from the Atlantic to
the Pacific. He also realized that a trail high up in our northern
tier of states would be much more rugged than the
American Discovery Trail (the other transcontinental trail
route), as the C2C would traverse some of the most scenic of
America’s mountainous terrain.
“The 200th anniversary of Lewis and
Clark's epic journey reminded us that
exploration is an essential part of the
human endeavor. C2C distills that spirit of
adventure for 21st century walkers. In the 19th century, ordinary people talked
of ‘lighting out for the territory.’
Millions sought their dreams over the
horizon in the forests and on the prairies.
From settled precincts to the wildest
mountains, they made their way on foot and
on horseback. Now, generations later, that
excitement can be rediscovered on the
Sea-To-Sea Route. Whether you have a day or
many months, C2C's opportunities await you.
Experience the simple joys of putting one
foot in front of the other. Slow down.
Open your eyes to the wonders of the North
American continent. Discover hidden
strengths within yourself. And know at the
end of the day that you have accomplished
something special. There is nothing chic or
trendy about the eternal verities out there
under the sky. But that's why decades from
now people will still treasure a weekend or
a fortnight on the Sea-To-Sea Route.”
[Ron Strickland]
Strickland’s concept struck a chord and kindled a passion in the
heart of one
Andy Skurka, who, on August 6, 2004, set out to thru-hike the
C2C. Skurka trekked for 11 months, nearly 8,000 miles, an
incredible feat of endurance. On July 10, 2005, the final day for
Skurka, the two celebrated together at
Cape Alava, Washington. On that day, Strickland’s dream became
Here are the trails (or sections thereof) Strickland linked together
to create the C2C:
To provide
continuity for the C2C Route, two connecting roadwalks are currently
required. One links the Long Trail to the North Country Trail (a
short distance) through Vermont and New York. The other hooks the
North Country Trail to the Continental Divide Trail
(a very long distance) through North Dakota and Montana.
Let’s swerve off-path here for just a moment to talk a little
The amalgamation of long-distance trails, this concept, as exists
with both the C2C and the ECT, holds great potential (see detailed
map), as the idea
extends the horizon toward a much more far-reaching goal, that being
to ultimately interconnect our (now) 11 National Scenic Trails.
This grand vision (of linking all long trails) will encourage not
only unity of purpose within the National Scenic Trails system, but
in addition, will energize those volunteers who unselfishly give of
their valuable time and resources in the ongoing effort to satisfy
man’s instinctive desire to—connect with *Nature.
Isn’t it fascinating that the C2C and the ECT not only interconnect,
but that they also link together all but four of our National Scenic
Trails. Those trails so connected are: The…
Thus, by
trekking along the ECT, then the C2C, far-distant trails such as
the Florida and the Pacific Crest, those trails can now be
interconnected. Is this not a beautiful thing! Want to start
in Key West and hike to the Mexican Border in California? Well,
come on; the trail’s there—Sure it is; Nimblewill’s hiked
Ah, and again, starting on the Florida Trail, it’s now possible
to hike to/through 29 of our lower 48 United States—all made
possible by two trails, the ECT and the C2C, trails not
represented (let alone recognized) by any organization or
authority! Again, Nimblewill’s hiked them; so can you!
Okay, let’s get back to the C2C…
Throughout the hiking community, folks seeking the trail
tend to stay the narrow, canopied path. Nimblewill’s
labeled them “The Green Tunnel Crowd.” So, guess it just stands
to reason that those who plan and create our trails, those folks
tend to be single-trackers too. They strive to keep their paths
as far away as possible from even the slightest semblance of a
passable road. Those planners—Ha, well, they could sure be
looked at as having a “One Track Mind” (no disparage intended).
So, makes sense then, that planners looking to create the
ultimate C2C Route would frown big-time on ever taking to the
highways and byways. Their plan, as how to close the gap, near
a staggering 900 miles between the North Country and Continental
Divide Trail(s), is to hack out a single-track path across the
sprawling upper Great Plains. Looking at Nomad’s
itinerary below, you’ll see only a 24-mile gap between these two
trails. And how can that be, you ask? Well, had he trekked
Lake Sakakawea State Park during his outbound
Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail (L&CNHT) Odyssey
back in 2004 (the 200th anniversary of their expedition), rather
than the route through
Knife River Indian Villages, that gap wouldn’t even exist,
as the L&CNHT also passes by Lake Sak. Anyway, instead of the
huge gap trail planners say is out there, in Nimblewill’s
mind (since he doesn’t continually seek the narrow, green
tunnel), there’s no gap at all.
So, the trails (or sections thereof) Nimblewill Nomad
trekked during his C2C journey are: The…
International Appalachian Trail
Appalachian National Scenic Trail
North Country National Scenic Trail Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail
Continental Divide National Scenic Trail
Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail
Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail (along the PNT)
Below is
Nimblewill Nomad’s itinerary. Listed are the dates and
mileages for the trails Nimblewill trekked during his
(section) hike o’er the C2C—385 days, 8457 miles. Clicking any
one of them will take you to that specific Odyssey, where you’ll
find the respective journal dates/entries. Also, on those pages
you can view some spectacular photos and videos.
We’re sure you’ll discover Nimblewill Nomad’s C2C trek to
be a remarkable adventure. So, why not come along; Nomad
would certainly enjoy your company!
When through the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees;
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze;
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee; How great Thou art!
How great Thou art! Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee;
How great Thou art! How great Thou art!
[Carl Boberg – English translation by Stuart Hine]